Having a business means more than production numbers, targets and annual statistics to us. We want to be socially involved and we believe that our organization also needs to show that side of business. So we fill our assembly department vacancies professionally, with very motivated disabled people. They are left out of the set labour process because of their handicaps and because of this; they need extra support to be able to get to work in the set job market. Everyone has the right to fully develop their talents. That is why it is important that ‘s Heeren Loo’s clients do not only get the chance to do meaningful work within the walls of their care facility, but also in the set business world. Approximately 20 ‘s Heeren Loo’s clients work at Smit plastic.

The clients mostly work in the assembly department. And in the meantime, 4 clients have moved on to the production department. That is also going very well; the people involved see it as a promotion.

Ampèrestraat 10

4004 KB Tiel

Telefoon: 0344-673030


Smit technisch plastic spuitgietwerk
